Marking of products
Label products worldwide without overlapping | GS1 standards
Worldwide, non-overlapping identification of each product and each product variant is ensured with the global article number (Global Trade Item Number; GTIN). The GTIN is a fingerprint for goods and thus makes each product unmistakable.
Access to product information through the GTIN
The GTIN is a 13-digit number. It serves as a kind of access key to the database, in which, for example, the following product information is stored: designation, weight, container size or product group. An 8-digit short number will be used on smaller articles on which the long number cannot be affixed.
How is the GTIN structured?
The GTIN consists of the basic number of your company-related global location number (GLN), the sequence of digits you have assigned and a check digit.
The GLN can be purchased with GS1 Complete. The GLN serves as the basis for creating your article numbers. The following procedure should be chosen:
At the beginning of the GTIN there are 7, 8 or 9 digits of your GLN
The sequential number is then assigned, for example: 001, 002, 003
Finally, the so-called check digit is added, which has to be calculated for each newly assigned GTIN. The check digit can be determined using the free GS1 check digit calculator.
Barcode based on the GTIN
The GTIN enables processes to be made more efficient and error-free. The prerequisite for this is that the GTIN is mapped in a machine-readable manner. Here b + b offers various barcode solutions.
Special case: Article with a large number of variants
Für manche Artikel gestaltet sich die Vergabe der GTIN schwierig. Dies ist bei Produkten der Fall, die erst durch den Kunden konfiguriert werden. Ein Beispiel hierfür sind Möbelstücke, bei denen der Kunde selbst z.B. Farben, Holzarten oder Griffe festlegen kann. Damit auch hier eine eindeutige Identifikation der GTIN möglich ist und ein elektronischer Austausch von Informationen möglich ist, gibt es auch sogenannte Konzepte für variantenreiche Artikel.
GTIN - explained quickly and easily
Implementation of the GTIN
As a GS1 partner, we can implement all labeling requirements. Our contacts will be happy to help you find the best economical labeling solution for your requirements and framework conditions.